Posts Tagged ‘attachment’

IMAP Pickup

An interesting little project I wanted to work on; I wanted to be able to pull attachments from emails in an IMAP mailbox and then download them. I wanted an IMAP solution instead of writing a script for the MTA as a script would be specific to the MTA software and not transferable to another server. In addition, there’s also the common case where you may simply not have access to the MTA.

The biggest help in putting this together and dealing with attachments was this blog post and this comment on the PHP docs. Information on doing this is a bit scattered and incomplete in many cases, likely because extracting attachments is somewhat difficult as email is a notoriously bad way to transfer files; the file data is base64 encoded and dumped in as part of the message body.

ImapPickup is the class that encapsulates all the necessary functionality,

class ImapPickup
protected $imapStream = null;

protected function findAttachments($part)
$partNum = -1;
$attachments = array();

$this->findAttachmentsRec($part, &$attachments, &$partNum, -1);

return $attachments;

protected function findAttachmentsRec($part, &$attachments, &$partNum, $partNumSub)
if (isset($part->parts))
foreach ($part->parts as $partOfPart)
$this->findAttachmentsRec($partOfPart, &$attachments, &$partNum, $partNumSub+1);

if (isset($part->disposition)){
if ($part->disposition == 'attachment') {
$attachments[] = array($part->dparameters[0]->value, $partNum, $partNumSub);


public function getAttachmentContent($msgNum, $partNum)
$contents = imap_fetchbody($this->imapStream, $msgNum, $partNum, FT_UID);
return imap_base64($contents);

public function getAttachments($msgNum)
$struct = imap_fetchstructure($this->imapStream,$msgNum,FT_UID);
$attachments = $this->findAttachments($struct);

return $attachments;

public function getAttachmentsFromMessages($msgArray)
$msgIdToAttachmentsMap = array();

if ($msgArray)
foreach($msgArray as $msgId)
$attachments = $this->getAttachments($msgId);
$msgIdToAttachmentsMap[$msgId] = $attachments;

return $msgIdToAttachmentsMap;

public function getMessages($searchQuery)
return imap_search($this->imapStream, $searchQuery, SE_UID);

public function connect($mailbox, $user, $password)
$this->imapStream = imap_open($mailbox, $user, $password);

public function disconnect()


Here’s a little example of how it can be used. This will query all messages with “pickup::” in the subject line and print out the messageID of all messages with attachments, followed by the filenames of all attachments for that message.

$imapPickup = new ImapPickup();
$imapPickup->connect("{}INBOX", "", "pass123");

$messages = $imapPickup->getMessages("SUBJECT pickup::");
$attachments = $imapPickup->getAttachmentsFromMessages($messages);

foreach($attachments as $msgId => $attArr)
echo "<p>{$msgId} => ";

foreach($attArr as $attachment)
echo $attachment[0];
echo ",";

echo "</p>";


The array for a single file attachment contains 3 entries:

  • [0] => filename
  • [1] => major part number
  • [2] => minor part number

getAttachments(), findAttachments(), and findAttachmentsRec() will return an array of such entries (or an empty array is there are no attachments). getAttachmentsFromMessages() will return a map from messageID => array of single attachments.

The part number (both major and minor) is needed to retrieve the contents of an attachment. For getAttachmentContent(), simply use the major number if the minor number is <= 0, or concatenate them with a period separating them (e.g. "2.3").