Posts Tagged ‘javascript’

Rendering HTML to images with SVG foreignObject


For applications that allow users to create visual content, being able to generate images of their work can be important in a number of scenarios: preview/opengraph images, allowing users to display content elsewhere, etc. This popped up as a need for ScratchGraph and led me to research a few possible solutions. Using the SVG <foreignObject> element was one of the more interesting solutions I came across, as all rendering and image creation is done client-side.

<foreignObject> to Image

<foreignObject> is a somewhat strange element. Essentially, it allows you to load and render arbitrary HTML content within SVG. This in and of itself isn’t helpful for generating an image, but we can take advantage of two other aspects of modern browsers to make this a reality:

  • SVG markup can be dynamically loaded into an Image by transforming the markup into a data URL
  • Data URL length limits are no longer a concern. We no longer have the kilobyte-scale limits we were dealing with a few years ago

Sketching it out, the process looks something like this (contentHtml is a string with the HTML content we want to render):

The code for this is pretty straightforward:

// build SVG string
const svg = `
<svg xmlns='' width='
${width}' height='${height}'>
<foreignObject x='0' y='0' width='
${width}' height='${height}'>

// convert SVG to data-uri
const dataUri = `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${window.btoa(svg)}`;

Here I’m assuming contentHtml is valid and can be trusted. If that’s not the case, you’ll likely need some pre-processing steps before sticking it into a string like this.

The code above works, to a degree; there’s a few key limitations to be aware of:

  • Cross-origin images served without CORS headers won’t load within <foreignObject>
  • Styles declared via stylesheets do not pass through to the contents of <foreignObject>
  • External resources (images, fonts, etc.) won’t be in the generated Image, as the browser doesn’t wait for these resources to be loaded before rendering out the image

The cross-origin issue may be annoying and unexpected (as the browser does load these images), but it’s a valid security measure and CORS provides the mechanism around it.

Handling stylesheets and external resources are more important concerns, and addressing them allows for a much more robust process.

Handling stylesheets

This isn’t anything too fancy, here are the steps involved:

  • Copy all the style rules, from all the stylesheets, in the parent document
  • Wrap all those rules in a <style> tag
  • Prepend that string to the contentHtml string

The code for this precursor step looks something like this:

const styleSheets = document.styleSheets;
let cssStyles = "";
let urlsFoundInCss = [];

for (let i=0; i<styleSheets.length; i++) {
for(let j=0; j<styleSheets[i].cssRules.length; j++) {
const cssRuleStr = styleSheets[i].cssRules[j].cssText;
cssStyles += cssRuleStr;

const styleElem = document.createElement("style");
styleElem.innerHTML = cssStyles;
const styleElemString = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(styleElem);


contentHtml = styleElemString + contentHtml;


Handling external resources

My solution here is somewhat curd, but it’s functional.

  • Find url values in the CSS code or src attribute values in the HTML code
  • Make XHR requests to get these resources
  • Encode the resources as Base64 and construct data URLs
  • Replace the original URLs (in the CSS url or HTML src) with the new base64 data URLs

The following shows how this is done for the HTML markup (the process is only slightly different for CSS).

const escapeRegExp = function(string) {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string

let urlsFoundInHtml = getImageUrlsFromFromHtml(contentHtml);
const fetchedResources = await getMultipleResourcesAsBase64(urlsFoundInHtml);
for(let i=0; i<fetchedResources.length; i++) {
const r = fetchedResources[i];
contentHtml = contentHtml.replace(
new RegExp(escapeRegExp(r.resourceUrl),"g"), r.resourceBase64);

The getImageUrlsFromFromHtml() and parseValue() methods that extract the value of src attributes from elements:

@param {String} str
@param {Number} startIndex
@param {String} prefixToken
@param {String[]} suffixTokens
@returns {String|null}
const parseValue = function(str, startIndex, prefixToken, suffixTokens) {
const idx = str.indexOf(prefixToken, startIndex);
if(idx === -1) {
return null;

let val = '';
for(let i=idx+prefixToken.length; i<str.length; i++) {
if(suffixTokens.indexOf(str[i]) !== -1) {

val += str[i];

return {
"foundAtIndex": idx,
"value": val

@param {String} str
@returns {String}
const removeQuotes = function(str) {
return str.replace(/["']/g, "");

@param {String} html
@returns {String[]}
const getImageUrlsFromFromHtml = function(html) {
const urlsFound = [];
let searchStartIndex = 0;

while(true) {
const url = parseValue(html, searchStartIndex, 'src=', [' ', '>', '\t']);
if(url === null) {

searchStartIndex = url.foundAtIndex + url.value.length;

return urlsFound;

The getMultipleResourcesAsBase64() and getResourceAsBase64() methods responsible for fetching resources:

@param {String} url
@returns {Promise}
const getResourceAsBase64 = function(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
"GET", url);
xhr.responseType =

xhr.onreadystatechange =
async function() {
if(xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
const resBase64 = await binaryStringToBase64(xhr.response);
"resourceUrl": url,
"resourceBase64": resBase64


@param {String[]} urls
@returns {Promise}
const getMultipleResourcesAsBase64 = function(urls) {
const promises = [];
for(let i=0; i<urls.length; i++) {
promises.push( getResourceAsBase64(urls[i]) );
return Promise.all(promises);

More code

The code for this experiment is up on Github. Most functionality is encapsulated with the ForeignHtmlRenderer method, which contains the code shown in this post.

Other Approaches

  • Similar (same?) approach with dom-to-image
    This library also uses the <foreignObject> element and an approach similar to what I described in this post. I played around with it briefly and remember running to a few issues, but I didn’t keep the test code around and don’t remember what the errors were.
  • Server-side/headless rendering with puppeteer
    This seems to be the defacto solution and, honestly, it’s a pretty good solution. It’s not too difficult to get it up and running as a service, though there will be an infrastructure cost. Also, I’d be willing to bet this is what services like URL2PNG use on their backend.
  • Client-side rendering with html2canvas
    This is a really cool project that will actually parse the DOM tree + CSS and render the page (it’s a rendering engine done in client-side javascript). Unfortunately, only a subset of CSS is supported and SVG is not supported.

Using feColorMatrix to dynamically recolor icons (part 1, single-color icons)

I’ve been experimenting with using feColorMatrix as an elegant way to dynamically color/re-color SVG icons. Here I’ll look at working with single-color icons.

Working directly with the SVG markup

Changing the stroke and/or fill colors of the SVG elements directly can be a good solution in many cases, but it requires:

  • Placing the SVG markup into the document to query and modify the appropriate elements when a color update is needed (note that this option isn’t viable if you need to place the icon in an <img> tag or it needs to be placed as a background-image on an element, as you can’t reference the SVG element in such cases)
  • Treating the SVG markup as a templated, Javascript, string to make a data-URI, and re-making it when a color update is needed

By using the color transformation matrix provided by feColorMatrix these restrictions go away and we also get back the flexibility of using external files.

Icon color

Keep in mind, we’re only dealing with single-color icons. What color is used doesn’t technically matter, but black is a nice basis and in an actual project, black is beneficial, as you’re able to open your the icon files in an editor or browser and actually see it.

black colored icon

A black pixel within the icon can then be represented by the following vector:

black pixel as column vector

Note that the alpha component may vary due to antialiasing (to smooth out edges) or some translucency within the icon.

The color transformation matrix

feColorMatrix allows you to define a 5×4 transformation matrix. There’s a lot you can do with that, but note that the last column of the matrix is essentially an additive component for each channel (see matrix-vector multiplication), so in that column we enter the desired R, G, B values from top to bottom, which will be added to the zeros in the input vector. Next, we want to preserve the alpha component from the input vector, so the fourth column of the matrix becomes [0, 0, 0, 1]T and the fourth row of the last column is zero, as we don’t want to add anything to the alpha component.

color transformation matrix, [[0, 0, 0, 0, R], [0, 0, 0, 0, G], [0, 0, 0, 0, B], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]][(0), (0), (0), (A_(src))] = [(R), (G), (B), (A_(src))]

The matrix-vector multiplication gives a new vector (that defines the output pixel) with the entered R, G, B values and the alpha value from the source pixel.

Representing the matrix within an feColorMatrix element is straightforward…

<feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix"
values="0 0 0 0 R
0 0 0 0 G
0 0 0 0 B
0 0 0 1 0"

… just plug in values for R, G, B.

Applying the color transformation

The color transformation matrix can be applied to an element by wrapping it in an SVG filter element and referencing the filter via the CSS filter property.

With Javascript, the values attribute of the feColorMatrix element can be updated dynamically. The color change will, in turn, be reflected in any elements referencing the SVG filter.

<!DOCTYPE html>
The values of the color matrix defines the color transformation what will be applied.
Here we just setup the elements and define an identity matrix. We'll modify the matrix via Javascript code
to define an actual color transformation.
<svg style="width:0; height:0; margin:0; padding:0; border:none;">
color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" id="colorTransformFilter">
in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix"
values="1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0"


Element with an SVG icon that we want to colorize
Note: that the color transformation is applied to everything not only to the background, but everything
within the element as well.

Typical solution to to isolate background stuff to it's own div and use another div for contents

<div id="logo-colored"
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url(logo.svg);
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;

style="color:#fff">Testing 1 2 3...</p>

* A little helper function to update the color transformation matrix
* @param {Number} _r
* @param {Number} _g
* @param {Number} _b
const setPrimaryColor = function(_r, _g, _b) {

const rScaled = _r / 255.0;
const gScaled = _g / 255.0;
const bScaled = _b / 255.0;

const feColorMatrixElem = document.getElementById('colorTransformFilter').getElementsByTagName('feColorMatrix')[0];
`0 0 0 0 ${rScaled}
0 0 0 0 ${gScaled}
0 0 0 0 ${bScaled}
0 0 0 1 0`

// Set/update color transformation matrix
setPrimaryColor(129, 0, 0);


The code will take a black-colored icon and re-color it to [129, 0, 0], as seen below:


This technique provides a lot of flexibility, but it’s not without it’s limits.

  • For icons applied as background-images, the CSS filter property isn’t ideal. CSS filter will effect not only the element it’s applied to, but all child elements as well. Note the “Testing 1 2 3…” paragraph is re-colored in the demo above.
  • As is the case with mixing the CSS filter property and the SVG filter element, effects governed by the CSS transition property won’t work.

Similar techniques

  • For shifting between colors, the hue-rotate() CSS filter function can be a solution. However, in practice, I don’t find this intuitive and color changes are rarely just hue rotations.
  • A more limited case, transitioning a colored icon to white, can be achieved with 2 CSS filter functions, brightness(0) and invert(100%).
  • You can do crazier things by trying to compute and fit a solution to the hue-rotation, saturation, sepia, and invert filter functions; however this is both complex to grasp and produces inexact/approximate color matches.
  • An SVG filter using feComponentTransfer should work, but I don’t find it as intuitive to work with.


If you want to interactively play around with feColorMatrix, check out SVG Color Filter Playground.

Encoding MP4s in the browser

Is this possible?

Given that it’s relatively easy to access a camera and capture frames within a browser, I began wondering it there was a way to encode frames and create a video within the browser as well. I can see a few benefits to doing this, perhaps the biggest being that you can move some very computationally expensive work to front-end, avoiding the need to setup and scale a process to do this server-side.

I searched a bit and first came across Whammy as a potential solution, which take a number of WebP images and creates a WebM video. However, only Chrome will let you easily get data from a canvas element as image/webp (see HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL docs). The non-easy way is to read the pixel values from the canvas element and encode them as WebP. However, I also couldn’t find any existing JS modules that did this (only a few NodeJS wrappers for the server-side cwebp application) and writing an encoder was a much bigger project that I didn’t want to undertake.

The other option I came across, and used, was ffmpeg.js. This is a really interesting project, it’s a port of ffmpeg via Emscripten to JS code which can be run in browsers that support WebAssembly.

Grabbing frames

My previous post on real-time image processing covers how to setup the video stream, take a snapshot, and render it to a canvas element. To work with ffmpeg.js, you’ll additionally need the frame’s pixels from the canvas element as a JPEG image, represented as bytes in a Uint8Array. This can be done as follows:

var dataUri = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1);
var jpegBytes = convertDataURIToBinary(dataUri);

convertDataURIToBinary() is the following method, which will take the data-uri representation of the JPEG data and transform it into a Uint8Array:

function convertDataURIToBinary(dataURI) {
var base64 = dataURI.substring(23);
var raw = window.atob(base64);
var rawLength = raw.length;

var array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rawLength));
for (i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) {
array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
return array;

FYI, this is just a slight modification of a method I found in this gist.

Note that I did not use PNG images due to an issue in the current version of ffmpeg.js (v3.1.9001).

Working with ffmpeg.js

ffmpeg.js comes with a Web Worker wrapper (ffmpeg-worker-mp4.js), which is really nice as you can run “ffmpeg –whatever” by just posting a message to the worker, and get the status/result via messages posted backed to the caller via Worker.onmessage.

var worker = new Worker("node_modules/ffmpeg.js/ffmpeg-worker-mp4.js");
worker.onmessage =
function (e) {
var msg =;

switch (msg.type) {
case "ready":
'mp4 worker ready');
case "stdout":
case "stderr":

case "done":
var blob = new Blob([[0].data], {

// ...

case "exit":
"Process exited with code " +;

Input and output of files is handled by MEMFS (one of the virtual file systems supported by Emscripten). On the “done” message from ffmpeg.js, you can access the output files via the array (shown above). Input files are specified via an array in the call to worker.postMessage (shown below).

TOTAL_MEMORY: 268435456,
data: jpegBytes
arguments: [
"-r", "60", "-i", "input.jpeg", "-aspect", "16/9", "-c:v", "libx264", "-crf", "1", "-vf", "scale=1280:720", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-vb", "20M", "out.mp4"]


With a bunch of frames captured from the video stream, I began pushing them through ffmpeg.js to encode a H.264 MP4 at 720p, and things started to blow up. There were 2 big issues:

  • Video encoding is no doubt a memory intensive operation, but even for a few dozen frames I could never give ffmpeg.js enough. I tried playing around with the TOTAL_MEMORY prop in the worker.postMessage call, but if it’s too low ffmpeg.js runs out of memory and if it’s too high ffmpeg.js fails to allocate memory.
  • Browser support issues. Support issues aren’t surprising here given that WebAssembly is still experimental. The short of it is: things work well in Chrome and Firefox on desktop. For Edge or Chrome on a mobile device, things work for a while before the browser crashes. For iOS there is no support.

Hacking something together

The browser issues were intractable, but support on Chrome and Firefox was good enough more me, and I felt I could work around the memory limitations. Lowering the memory footprint was a matter of either:

  • Reducing the resolution of each frame
  • Reducing the number of frames

I opted for the latter. My plan was to make a small web application to allow someone to easily capture and create time-lapse videos, so I had ffmpeg.js encode just 1 frame to a H.264 MP4, send that MP4 to the server, and then use ffmpeg’s concat demuxer on the server-side to progressively concatenate each individual MP4 file into a single MP4 video. What this enables is for the more costly encoding work to the done client-side and the cheaper concatenation work to be done server-side.

Time Stream was the end result.

Here’s a time-lapse video created using an old laptop and a webcam taped onto my balcony:

This sort of hybrid solution works well. Overall, I’m happy with the results, but would love the eliminate the server-side ffmpeg dependency outright, so I’m looking forward to seeing Web Assembly support expand and improve across browsers.

More generally, it’s interesting to push these types of computationally intensive tasks to the front-end, and I think it presents some interesting possibilities for architecting and scaling web applications.

Timeout your XHR requests

Client-side timeouts on XHR requests isn’t something I’ve ever thought a whole lot about. The default is no timeout and in most cases, where you’re kicking off an XHR request in response to a user interaction, you probably won’t ever notice an issue. That said, I ran into a case with ScratchGraph on Chrome where not having a timeout specified, along with some client-side network errors, left the application in a state where it was unable to send any more XHR requests.

ScratchGraph continuously polls its server for new data and every so often I would notice that the XHR calls would stop, with the application left in a broken state, unable to make any AJAX calls. This typically (but not always) occurred when the machine woke up from being put to sleep and in the console there would be a few error messages, typically a number of ERR_NETWORK_IO_SUSPENDED and ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED errors. Testing within my development environment, it was impossible to reproduce. Finally, I came across this StackOverflow post that pointed out that not having a timeout specified on the XHR calls would result in these errors.

I’m still not exactly sure of the interplay between Chrome, the XHR requests, and the network state that results in this situation, but since adding a timeout, I’ve yet to notice this behavior again. It’s also worth noting that it’s very simple to add a timeout on an XHR request:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
'GET', '/hello', true);
xhr.timeout = 500;
// time in milliseconds

Real-time image processing on the web

A while ago I began playing around with grabbing a video stream from a webcam and seeing what I could do with the captured data. Capturing the video stream using the navigator.getUserMedia() navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() method was straightforward, but directly reading and writing the image data of the video stream isn’t possible. That said, the stream data can be put onto a canvas using CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage(), giving you the ability to manipulate the pixel data.

const videoElem = document.querySelector('video'); // Request video stream navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true, audio: false}) .then(function(_videoStream) { // Render video stream on <video> element videoElem.srcObject =_videoStream; }) .catch(function(err) { console.log(`getUserMedia error: ${err}`); } ); const videoElem = document.querySelector('video'); const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // put snapshot from video stream into canvas ctx.drawImage(videoElem, 0, 0);

You can read and write to the <canvas> element, so hiding the <video> element with the source data and just showing the <canvas> element seems logical, but the CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage() call is expensive; looking at the copied stream on the <canvas> element there is, very noticeable, visual lag. Another reason to avoid this option is that the frequency at which you render (e.g. 30 FPS), isn’t necessarily the frequency at which you’d want to grab and process image data (e.g. 10 FPS). The disassociation allows you to keep the video playback smooth, for a better user experience, but more effectively utilize CPU cycles for image processing. At least in my experience so far, a small delay in visual feedback from image processing is acceptable and looks perfectly fine intermixed with the higher-frequency video stream.

So the best options all seem to involve showing the <video> element with the webcam stream and placing visual feedback on top of the video in some way. A few ideas:

  • Write pixel data to another canvas and render it on top of the <video> element
  • Render SVG elements on top of the <video> element
  • Render DOM elements (absolutely positioned) on top of the <video> element

The third option is an ugly solution, but it’s fast to code and thus allows for quick prototyping. The demo and code below shows a quick demo I slapped together using <div> elements as markers for hotspots, in this case bright spots, within the video.

Here’s the code for the above demo:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Webcam Cap</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <style type="text/css"> * { margin:0; padding:0; border:none; overflow:hidden; } </style> </head> <body> <div> <video style="width:640px; height:480px;" width="640" height="480" autoplay></video> <canvas style="display:none; width:640px; height:480px;" width="640" height="480"></canvas> </div> <div class="ia-markers"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> const videoElem = document.querySelector('video'); const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var snapshotIntv = null; const width = 640; const height = 480; // Request video stream navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true, audio: false}) .then(function(_videoStream) { // Render video stream on <video> element videoElem.srcObject =_videoStream; // Take a snapshot of the video stream 10ms snapshotIntv = setInterval(function() { processSnapshot(_videoStream); }, 100); }) .catch(function(err) { console.log(`getUserMedia error: ${err}`); } ); // Take a snapshot from the video stream function processSnapshot() { // put snapshot from video stream into canvas ctx.drawImage(videoElem, 0, 0); // Clear old snapshot markers var markerSetParent = (document.getElementsByClassName('ia-markers'))[0]; markerSetParent.innerHTML = ''; // Array to store hotzone points var hotzones = []; // Process pixels var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); for (var y = 0; y < height; y+=16) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x+=16) { var index = (x + y * imageData.width) << 2; var r =[index + 0]; var g =[index + 1]; var b =[index + 2]; if(r > 200 && g > 200 && b > 200) { hotzones.push([x,y]); } } } // Add new hotzone elements to DOM for(var i=0; i<hotzones.length; i++) { var x = hotzones[i][0]; var y = hotzones[i][1]; var markerDivElem = document.createElement("div"); markerDivElem.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; width:16px; height:16px; border-radius:8px; background:#0f0; opacity:0.25; left:' + x + 'px; top:' + y + 'px'); markerDivElem.className = 'ia-hotzone-marker'; markerSetParent.appendChild(markerDivElem); } } </script> </body> </html>

Edit (8/1/2020): The code has been updated to reflect changes in the MediaDevices API. This includes:

  • navigator.getUserMedianavigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia. The code structure is slightly different given that the latter returns a promise.
  • Assigning the media stream to a video element directly via the srcObject attribute. This is now required in most modern browsers as the old way of using createObjectURL on the stream and assigning the returned URL to the video element’s src attribute is no longer supported.

In addition, there’s also just some general code cleanup to modernize the code and make it a little easier to read. Some of the language in the post has also been tweaked to make things clearer.

Function argument tricks

I came across this “trick” on coderwall for avoiding an if statement when you have a a function argument that is allowed to be either an array or a scalar value (something that seems oddly common in loosely typed languages).

function example(ids) {
function (id) {
// ...

The trick in question is just concatenating the argument with an empty array so that, within the function, you’re always dealing with an array and elements of the array.

Taking a step back, the bigger question is why do this?
In my experience, it’s almost always better to keep the code within the function straightforward and force the caller to adapt and give the function what it needs. In this case, that means simply forcing the caller to always pass an array.

Where we live

Using a number of technologies I’ve been playing around with recently, I began working on a 3D visualization of the Earth, plotting every city, creating a pointillism-styled representation of the planet. Below is the result along with an overview of how I produced the rendering.

Getting the data

I extracted all cities with a population of at least 100,000 people from the MySQL GeoNames database using the following query:

SELECT `id`,`name`,`latitude`,`longitude`,`population`,`timezone`
FROM geonames.cities
WHERE population >= 100000 AND feature_class = 'P';

… and put the results into a JS array.

Creating a 3D model to represent each city

I created this hexagonal model in Blender, exported it to a Wavefront OBJ file, and ran the OBJ file through the Wavefront OBJ to JSON converter I wrote. Note that the model is facing the z-axis to match WebGL’s (and OpenGL’s) default camera orientation: facing down the negative z-axis.

Convert longitude and latitude to a 3D position

Converting a geodetic longitude, latitude pair to a 3D position involves doing a LLA (Longitude Latitude Altitude) to ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) transformation. The code below implements this transform, converting the longitude and latitude of every city pulled from the GeoNames database into a 3D coordinate where we can render the hexagonal representation of the city.

function llarToWorld(lat, lon, alt, rad)
    lat = lat * (Math.PI/180.0);
    lon = lon * (Math.PI/180.0);

var f = 0; //flattening
var ls = Math.atan( Math.pow((1.0 - f),2) * Math.tan(lat) ); // lambda

var x = rad * Math.cos(ls) * Math.cos(lon) + alt * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon)
var y = rad * Math.cos(ls) * Math.sin(lon) + alt * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon)
var z = rad * Math.sin(ls) + alt * Math.sin(lat)
return [x,z,-y];            

There are 2 items worth noting:

  • The transformation (and function above) involve a 4th parameter, radius which is the radius of the ellipsoid (or sphere, in this case, as flattening=0) into which the transformation is done. I have it set as a fixed constant, as I’m primary concerned with an approximate visual representation, but the MathWorks page describes the actual computation.
  • The ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) coordinate system has the z-axis pointing north, not the y-axis, so the z and y values need to be swapped to produce a coordinate corresponding to WebGL’s default camera orientation. In addition, as WebGL has a right-handed coordinate system (so the default camera orientation is one where it’s pointing down the negative z-axis), the z coordinate is negated so the point doesn’t wind up behind the camera.

Orient all cities to face the origin

Getting each of the hexagonal models to face the origin involved a bit of math:

  • Calculating the axis about which the rotation should occur by, first, computing a vector from the origin to the 3D position of the model (lookAt), and taking the cross product between lookAt and the z-axis (as we’re rotating toward the z-axis).
  • Calculating the angle of rotation (the angle between the z-axis and lookAt) by computing the dot product between lookAt and the z-axis, then taking the acos of the dot product.

There’s some additional code to handle cases where points lie on the on the z-axis (where the cross product gives the zero vector) and also to return a matrix representation of the rotation.

function lookAtOrigin(v)
// compute vector from origin
var lookAt = vec3.create([v[0], v[1], -v[2]]);

// reference axis
var refAxis = vec3.create([0,0,-1]);

// computate axis of rotation
var rotAxis = vec3.create(lookAt);
vec3.cross(rotAxis, refAxis);

// compute angle of rotation
var rotAngRad = Math.acos(, refAxis));

// special cases...
if(rotAxis[0] == 0 && rotAxis[1] == 0 && rotAxis[2] == 0) {
if(lookAt[2] > 0) {
rotAxis = vec3.create([1,0,0]);
rotAngRad = Math.PI;
else {
rotAxis = vec3.create([1,0,0]);
rotAngRad = 0;

// compute and return a matrix with the rotation
var ret = mat4.identity();
mat4.rotate(ret, rotAngRad, rotAxis);

return ret;

Render the scene

Using glfx, I pulled everything together, also adding a bit of code to rotate the camera and do some pseudo-lighting in the pixel shader by alpha blending colors based on depth. All the code can be found in the webgl-globe repository on bitbucket.

Double-tap interactions

While click events are seamlessly supported on touch devices, double-click events are not and there is no equivalent double-tap event available. However, double-tap interactions can be captured by listening for multiple, subsequent touchend events. The code below shows how to do this, with the basis for a double-tap being:

  • Two touchend events, on a certain element, both occurring within a certain time interval (300ms)
  • Two touchend events, on a certain element, both occurring within a certain distance from each other (24px)

I’ve come across a lot of code that addresses the first point (see double tap on mobile safari), but the second point is just as important because almost all touchscreens are multitouch and a two-handed posture with a phone or tablet is not uncommon. With a two-handed posture, and an element large enough to span the screen, it’s easy to hit two different areas of the element (on opposite ends of the screen) in rapid succession – a double-tap would be detected, even though two distant points on the element were touched, unless the distance between the points is taken into account.

Ideally, both the interval and distance should be user-defined settings at the device/operating-system level, similar to the way setting the double-click speed is, but lacking such support, hacking it in at the application-level is the only viable option.

// Handler for when a double-tap (on a touchscreen) or double-click (with a mouse) is detected
var dblTapHandler = function (x, y) {

// Do stuff...


function() {

// Listen for double-click events for desktop/mouse-based interactions
$('.ia-dbltap-area').on('dblclick', function (e) {
// Call handler
dblTapHandler(e.pageX, e.pageY);

// Listen for touchend events for touch-based interactions
$('.ia-dbltap-area').on('touchend', function(e) {

var dblTapRadius = 24; // radius (in pixels) of the area in which we expect the 2 taps for a double-tap
var dblTapSpeed = 300; // interval (in milliseconds) in which we expect the 2 taps for a double-tap

if(e.originalEvent.changedTouches.length <= 0) {
return false; // we have nothing to work with

var dblTapDetected = false; // flag specifying if we detected a double-tap
var areaElem = $(this); // element in which this touchend event has occured

// Position of the touch
var x = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
var y = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;

var now = new Date().getTime();

// Check if we have stored data for a previous touch (indicating we should test for a double-tap)
if('last-touch-time')) {

lastTouchTime =

// Compute time since the previous touch
var timeSinceLastTouch = now - lastTouchTime;

// Get the position of the last touch on the element
var lastX ='last-touch-x');
var lastY ='last-touch-y');

// Compute the distance from the last touch on the element
var distFromLastTouch = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(x-lastX,2) + Math.pow(y-lastY,2) );

// Check if:
// 1. If the time since the last touch is within the specified double-tap interval (dblTapSpeed)
// 2. The distance from the last touch is within the specified double-tap radius (tapRadius)
if(timeSinceLastTouch <= dblTapSpeed && distFromLastTouch <= dblTapRadius) {

// Flag that we detected a double tap
dblTapDetected = true;

// Call handler
dblTapHandler(x, y);

// Remove last touch info from element'last-touch-time', '');
'last-touch-x', '');
'last-touch-y', '');


if(!dblTapDetected) { // A double-tap wasn't detected

// Store time and position of this touch on the element
// (Next touch may be a double-tap, we can use this info to determine if it is)'last-touch-time', now);
'last-touch-x', x);
'last-touch-y', y);



The demo below shows the code in actions along with a bit of SVG to render where the user double-clicked or double-touched div.ia-dbltap-area:

Moving the caret to the end of text in an <input> element

Very simple, and the following will work in all modern browsers.


<input name="url" type="text" value="http://" />


var inputElem = document.getElementsByName("url")[0];
var valLen = inputElem.value.length;

inputElem.selectionStart = valLen;
inputElem.selectionEnd = valLen;


The same technique will work for <textarea> elements as well.

Manipulating text relative to the caret in a contenteditable div

I wanted to play around a bit with dynamically modifying text as you type. The following is a simple auto-correct demo that makes use of the Selection and Range interfaces to replace text (read: text preceding the caret) within a contenteditable div.

$(document).on('keydown', '.ia-txt', function (e) {
// check if space bar was hit
if(e.keyCode == 32) {
// we'll check for the string "hwat"; incorrect form of "what"
var incorrectTxt = "hwat";
// Get selection and range based on position of caret
        // (we assume nothing is selected, and range points to the position of the caret)
var sel = window.getSelection();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// check that we have at least incorrectTxt.length characters in our container
if(range.startOffset - incorrectTxt.length >= 0) {
// clone the range, so we can alter the start and end
var clone = range.cloneRange();
// alter start and end of cloned ranged, so it selects incorrectTxt.length characters
clone.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset - incorrectTxt.length);
            clone.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);

// get contents of cloned range
var contents = clone.toString();                    
// check if the contents of the cloned range is equal to our incorrectTxt string
if(contents == incorrectTxt) {
// delete the contents of the range ("hwat")
// create a text node with the corrected text ("what") and insert it where we deleted the incorrect text
var txtNode = document.createTextNode("what");
// set the start of the range after the inserted node, so we have the caret after the inserted text
// Chrome fix



You can see the code in action in the frame below. Every time you press the space-bar and the string “hwat” is detected, preceding the position of the caret, it is removed and replaced with the string “what”:

This is an incredibly trivial example (note that it doesn’t even check that the string “hwat” is surrounded by whitespace on both sides), but it does serve as a template for more advanced functionality. That said, be very aware of minor differences in the behavior of Range methods when working across browsers, I’ve stumbled across a few:

  • The code above breaks under certain conditions in Internet Explorer. If you move the caret to a position between 2 words, type “hwat” + space (the string is auto-corrected to “what”), then type “hwat” + space again, the auto-correct doesn’t work. The range.startOffset variable seems incorrect (too small) and subtracting incorrectTxt.length (4) yields a negative start offset.
  • Using a keyup event instead of a keydown event, and checking for the string “hwat ” instead yields different behaviors in Firefox and Chrome. Firefox preserves the space after the corrected string, and the caret is at the position after the space. However, Chrome strips the space and the caret is after the corrected string.
  • After the selection’s range is altered after auto-correcting, Chrome requires the removeAllRanges(), addRange() calls to replace the selection’s range, but Firefox does not.