Posts Tagged ‘file upload’

webOS file upload

This is something pretty basic, but the example in the API documentation leaves a lot to be desired and, if I recall correctly, doesn’t even work.

So here’s how to do a file upload on webOS, sending the file along with additional data in the POST call.

One critically important point to take note of is that session information is not passed from your app to the com.palm.downloadmanager service so, if necessary, you must verify and authenticate the user again. As I was using PHP for my server-side stuff, I looked into getting and passing the PHPSESSID cookie, but I couldn’t figure out how the get the value, webOS does not seem to store it with other cookies.

// additional POST data
// spot_id, userName, password declared elsewhere
var post_params = [
'key': 'id', 'data': spot_id, 'contentType': 'text/plain' },
'key': 'username', 'data': userName, 'contentType': 'text/plain' },
'key': 'password', 'data': password, 'contentType': 'text/plain' }

'palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/', {

// myfile = fileName of file to upload
// url_to_web_service = URL to server-side script that will handle file upload
// Note, contentType is mime type of file (according to docs), but 'img' used for images?!
parameters: {
'fileName': myfile,
'fileLabel': 'my_cool_file',
'url': url_to_web_service,
'contentType': 'img',
'subscribe': true,
'postParameters': post_params

function (resp)
if (resp.responseString) {
// file has been uploaded             
else {
// file partially uploaded, resp contains progress info

function (e)
// something bad happened!

On the server-side, the file is identified by the value of ‘fileLabel’ (in this case ‘my_cool_file’), and the additional POST data is identified by the value of the key field.

Altering the file size limit for PHP uploads

Well, of course, you can edit php.ini to change the file size limit, but for cheap (typically, shared) hosting solutions the issue that pops us is that you don’t have access to it.

I was researching how I could do this w/o modifying php.ini and discovered a forum post that explain a few methods of how it could be done.

Method A (the one that worked for me):
Edit your .htaccess file (if you don’t have one in your web site’s public root directory, you should be able to just create one) and add the following:
php_value post_max_size 8M
php_value upload_max_filesize 8M
(of course, replace 8M with however many megabytes you wish to limit the file sizes of uploads by)

Method B (the one that didn’t work for me):
Use the ini_set function,
ini_set('post_max_size', '8M');
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '8M');

Method C (the one I didn’t try):
Use a custom php.ini. Not sure exactly what would be involved here, but you’d likely have to programmatically make a copy of the existing php.ini file, modify the copy, and then place the copy in the directory of the script that needs it or in your web site’s public root directory.