Jul 20 2005 · Uncategorized
New version of Doppler is up (see Doppler page for d/l link). Changes are as follows:
-Doppler will no longer freeze if you switch away from the client panel while a client is loading and then try to switch back to the client panel before the client is finished loading.
-File updates from client->server will now work correctly and will not result in the client giving an incorrect file message, and timing out
-The log now labels where the message it prints out is coming from
Note: file updates from server->client are not yet supported.
Jul 13 2005 · Uncategorized
New version of speaker switch is up. I updated the text for the speaker switch system tray icon so that it will now display the current speaker config when the mouse is over it. Also, an “about” message box has been added.
btw, licenses are now included in all the binary and source packages I’ve uploaded.
Jul 13 2005 · Uncategorized
New version of Doppler is up. This version fixes a few major bugs found in the initial release (including server timeouts and file transfers stalling). In addition, a few things have been reworked internally so things run more smoothly, including the server startup code and the client connection code, both of which will now execute as background threads, so the UI doesn’t freeze.
Jul 8 2005 · Uncategorized
Doppler Beta 1 is up. You can find the download link on the Doppler page. Still quite a few bugs and annoyances in the code, but it is fairly stable and functional (hey, it’s still at beta!). Beta 2 will probably be out sometime next month, a long time, but I won’t be focusing as heavily on Doppler for the next few weeks, I’m going to shift gears and focus on a few other projects I’ve had on the back burner:
Kiwi: a markup language designed as an alternative to XML for application developers. I have a love/hate relationship with XML, I hate the verbose syntax, the ambiguity between attributes and elements, all the ugly DOM stuff, etc. What I love is not XML itself, but the amazing level of support it receives from almost every company and software product in the world. In fact the only real reason I use XML is that it’s supported by the .net framework, so I don’t have to do too much work to read/write XML data. yea, I’m lazy 😉
Rex: a resource file format specification (of course I’ll have to make a utility app as well – no way in hell am I going to add/extract files using a command line).
QuadSpace: A generic version of NZEdit2 (the Nemesis Zero map editor). Will have Rex file support as well as support for TGA, PNG, and JPEG textures. Oh, btw, by “generic” I mean it will be flexible enough to be used as a map ed. for other games.
[really-cool-name]: A generic version of the NZ Particle FX Editor.
Helix: A 3D level editing program with support for importing .X files and CSG (I mention this specifically b/c so many of the free 3D level editing programs out there don’t support this).
Zero2: The second version of the Nemesis Zero engine; rebuilt from the ground up and utilizing shader model 2.0
Curve: A 3D game engine. That’s it. Haven’t really thought much about the specs as yet.
I’m also thinking it would be really cool to do a side scrolling engine, with graphics similar to NZ (i.e. 3D characters on 2D backgrounds) but where the characters can aim in any direction, kinda like a more advanced version of Abuse (anyone remember that game?, from the ill-fated crack-dot-com).
Obviously, I can’t focus on all these projects at once. So I have some serious pondering to do.
Any programmers interested in working with me on Doppler or any of the projects listed above, contact me.