Archive for April, 2020

Serving mjs files with nginx

In my previous post on ES modules, I mentioned adopting the mjs file extension for modules files. Unfortunately, there’s no entry for the mjs extension in nginx’s default mime.types file, meaning it’ll be served as application/octet-stream instead of application/javascript. The MIME type for mjs files can be set by explicitly including mime.types in a server, http, or location block & adding a types block with the MIME type and file extension:

server { include mime.types; types { application/javascript mjs; } ... }

Writing and testing ES modules

The toolchain

ES modules are one of the more exciting additions to the Javascript language. Effectively being able to break-off and modularize has continually led to better code and development practices in my experience. For server-side Javascript, Node and its associated module system took hold, but there was nothing comparable for browsers. However, Node-based toolchains to produce frontend code also became a thing, doing rollup, transpilation, minification, etc. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, and came with some noted benefits such as better support for unit testing scaffolds and integration into CI pipelines, but it also set a stage for increasingly complex toolchains and an ecosystem whereby frontend components were Node-based server-side components first, and transformed into frontend components after. The latter, in turn, led to a state where you were always working with a toolchain (it wasn’t just for CI or producing optimized distributables) as there was no path to directly load these components in a browser, and I’d argue also led to a state where components were being composed with an increasing and ridiculous number of dependencies, as the burden of resolving and flattening dependencies fell to to the toolchain.

ES modules aren’t any sort of silver bullet here, but it does show a future where some of this complexity can be rolled back, the toolchain only needs to handle and be invoked for specific cases, and there is less impedance in working with frontend code. We’re not there yet, but I’m hopeful and as such I’ve adopted ES modules in projects where I’ve been able to.

A look at GraphPaper

GraphPaper was the first project where I committed to ES modules for the codebase. At the time, support for ES modules was limited in both Node and browsers (typically incomplete support and put behind a feature flag), so for both development work and producing distributables, I used rollup.js + Babel to produce an IIFE module. This worked well, though it’s a pain to do a build every for every code change I want to see in the browser. I also remember this being pretty easy to setup initially, but the package.json became more convoluted with Babel 6, when everything was split into smaller packages (I understand the rationale, but the developer experience is horrible and pushes the burden of understanding various babel components to consumers).

Structuring the module

Structuring was fairly simple. Everything that was meant to be accessible by consumers was declared in a single file (GraphPaper.js), declared via export statements (i.e. it was just a file with a bunch of export * from … statements). This file also served as the input for rollup.js:

{ input: 'src/GraphPaper.js', output: { format: 'iife', file: 'dist/graphpaper.min.js', name: 'GraphPaper', sourcemap: true }, plugins: [ babel(babelConfig), ], }

In a modern browser, it would be possible to import the GraphPaper ES module directly, like so:

<script type="module"> import * as GraphPaper from '../src/GraphPaper.js'; ... </script>

However, the way dependent web workers are built and encapsulated makes this impossible (explained here).

Another problem, but one that’s fixable, is that I wrote import and export statements without file extensions. For browsers, this leads to an issue as the browser will just request what’s declared in the statement and not append any file extension (so a statement like import { LineSet } from './LineSet'; results in a request to the server for ./LineSet, not ./LineSet.js, as the file is named. Moving forward, the recommendation to use the .mjs extension and explicitly specifying the extension in import statements seems to be a good idea; in addition to addressing the issue with browser requests, when working in Node .mjs files will automatically be treated as ES modules.

Pushing aside the web worker issue, we can see a future where rollup.js isn’t necessary, or at least not necessary for producing browser-compatible (e.g. IIFE) modules. It’s role can be limited to concatenation and orchestrating optimizations (e.g. minification) for distributables. Similarly, for Babel, it’s role can be reduced or eliminated. As support for newer ES features (particularly those in ES6 and ES7) continues to improve across systems (browsers, Node, etc.), and users adopt these systems, transpilation won’t be as necessary. The exception is the case where developers want to use the very latest ES features, but I think we’re quickly approaching a point of diminishing returns here, especially relative to the cost of toolchain complexity.

Testing with jasmine-es6, moving to Ava

For testing, I found jasmine-es6 to be one of the simpler ways to test ES modules at the time. Ava existed, but I remember running into issues getting it working. I remember also toying with Jest at some point and also running into issues. In the end, jasmine-es6 worked well, I never had issues importing and writing tests for a module. Here’s a sample test from the codebase:

import { Point } from '../src/Point' import { Line } from '../src/Line' import { LineSet } from '../src/LineSet' describe("LineSet constructor", function() { it("creates LineSet from Float64Array coordinates", function() { const typedArray = Float64Array.from([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]); const ls = new LineSet(typedArray); const lineSetArray = ls.toArray(); expect(ls.count()).toBe(2); expect(lineSetArray[0].isEqual(new Line(new Point(1, 2), new Point(3, 4)))).toBe(true); expect(lineSetArray[1].isEqual(new Line(new Point(5, 6), new Point(7, 8)))).toBe(true); }); });

jasmine-es6 has and continues to work really well despite being deprecated. I’ll likely adopt and reformat the tests to Ava at some point the future. I’ve played around with it again recently and it was a much smoother experience, it’s also better supported and I like the simpler syntax around tests more-so than the Jasmine syntax. I’m looking to do this when Node has stable support for ES modules, as this would mean not worrying about pulling in and configuring Babel for running tests (though it’ll likely still be around for rollup.js).


Overall, it’s been fairly smooth working with ES modules and it looks like things will only improve in the future. Equally exciting is the potential reduction in toolchain complexity that comes with better support for ES modules.

  • Support for ES modules continues to improve across libraries, browsers, and Node
  • It’s probably a good idea to use the .mjs file extension
  • Rollup.js is still needed for now to make browser-compatible (e.g. IIFE) modules, but will likely take on a more limited role in the future (concatenation & minification)
  • Better support for ES6 and ES7 features across the board will mean that Babel, and transpilation in general, won’t be as necessary

Installing ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server on Debian

For a project at work I went through a bit of struggle getting the Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server installed on a barebones Debian system (this was for a Docker container, no SSH, no package manager). Here’s what I discovered and did to finally get it working.


These are the base dependencies to be able to invoke the driver:

  • libltdl7
  • libodbc1
  • odbcinst
  • odbcinst1debian2
  • locales-all

The locales-all package is strictly necessary, but some locale configuration is necessary or you’ll run into the error locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid when trying to run the sqlcmd utility. This article provides a bit more detail.

ODBC Configuration

After installing dependencies, config the driver by appending the config details to /etc/odbcinst.ini:

[ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server] Description=Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server Driver=/opt/microsoft/msodbcsql17/lib64/ UsageCount=1

OpenSSL Issue

The final issue I ran into was super cryptic, when trying to connect to a MSSQL instance I ran into the following error:

SQLSTATE[08001]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: Error code 0x2746

The issue is described GitHub issue. In short this is a compatibility issue with the driver and OpenSSL + Debian 10, which has disabled SHA1 for signatures. The fix involves editing /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf and changing the last line from CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=2 to CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1. Of course consider if doing this is a security risk in your environment and for your use-case.

A connection!

With the above done, I was able to successfully connect to the MSSQL instance using sqlcmd. I was hoping at this point things would “just work” with pyodbc, but that wasn’t the case (the connection would simply hang when attempting to connect.. no timeouts, no errors). So at this point, I’m considering whether it’s still worth it to try and use this driver or stick with the existing (FreeTDS).

Finding, fetching, and rendering favicons with puppeteer

I’ve been working a bit with fetching favicons and noted some of the complexity I encountered:

  • The original way to adding favicons to a site, placing /favicon.ico file in the root directory, is alive and well; browsers will make an HTTP GET request to try and fetch this file.
  • Within the HTML document, <link rel="icon" is the correct way to specify the icon. However, a link tag with <link rel="shortcut icon" is also valid and acceptable, but “shortcut” is redundant and has no meaning (of course, if you’re trying to parse or query the DOM, it’s a case you need to consider).
  • Like other web content, the path in a <link> tag can an absolute URL, with may or may not declare a protocol, or a relative URL.
  • While there is really good support for PNG favicons, ICO files are still common, even on popular sites (as of writing this Github, Twitter, and Gmail, all use ICO favicons).
  • When not using ICO files, they is usually multiple <link> tags, with different values for the sizes attribute, in order to declare different resolutions of the same icon (ICO is a container format, so all the different resolution icons are packaged together).
  • The correct MIME type for ICO files is image/, but the non-standard image/x-icon is much more common.
  • Despite the popularity of ICOs and PNGs, there’s a bunch of other formats with varying degrees of support across browsers: GIF (animated/non-animated), JPEG, APNG, SVG. Of particular note is SVG, as it’s the only non-bitmap format on this list, and is increasing being supported.

The goal was to generate simple site previews for ScratchGraph, like this:

ScratchGraph Site Preview

Finding the favicon URL was one concern. My other concern was rendering the icon to a common format, while this isn’t technically necessary, it does lower the complexity in the event that I wanted to do something with the icon, other than just rendering within the browser.

Finding the favicon URL

I wrote the following code to try and find the URL of the “best” favicon using Puppeteer (Page is the puppeteer Page class):

/** * * @param {Page} page * @param {String} pageUrl * @returns {Promise<String>} */ const findBestFaviconURL = async function(page, pageUrl) { const rootUrl = (new URL(pageUrl)).protocol + "//" + (new URL(pageUrl)).host; const selectorsToTry = [ `link[rel="icon"]`, `link[rel="shortcut icon"]` ]; let faviconUrlFromDocument = null; for(let i=0; i<selectorsToTry.length; i++) { const href = await getDOMElementHRef(page, selectorsToTry[i]); if(typeof href === 'undefined' || href === null || href.length === 0) { continue; } faviconUrlFromDocument = href; break; } if(faviconUrlFromDocument === null) { // No favicon link found in document, best URL is likley favicon.ico at root return rootUrl + "/favicon.ico"; } if(faviconUrlFromDocument.substr(0, 4) === "http" || faviconUrlFromDocument.substr(0, 2) === "//") { // absolute url return faviconUrlFromDocument; } else if(faviconUrlFromDocument.substr(0, 1) === '/') { // favicon relative to root return (rootUrl + faviconUrlFromDocument); } else { // favicon relative to current (pageUrl) URL return (pageUrl + "/" + faviconUrlFromDocument); } };

This will try to get a favicon URL via:

  • Try to get the icon URL referenced in the first link[rel="icon"] tag
  • Try to get the icon URL referenced in the first link[rel="icon shortcut"] tag
  • Assume that if we don’t find an icon URL in the document, there’s a favicon.ico relative to the site’s root URL

Getting different sizes of the icon or trying to get a specific size is not supported. Also, for URLs pulled from the document via link[rel=… tags, there’s some additional code to see if URL is absolute, relative to the site/document root, or relative to the current URL and, if necessary, construct and return an absolute URL.

The getDOMElementHRef function to query the href attribute is as follows:

/** * * @param {Page} page * @param {String} query * @returns {String} */ const getDOMElementHRef = async function(page, query) { return await page.evaluate((q) => { const elem = document.querySelector(q); if(elem) { return (elem.getAttribute('href') || ''); } else { return ""; } }, query); };

Fetching & rendering to PNG

Puppeteer really shines at being able to load and render the favicon, and providing the mechanisms to save it out as a screenshot. You could attempt to read the favicon image data directly, but there is significant complexity here given the number of different image formats you may encounter.

Rendering the favicon is relatively straightfoward:

  • Render the favicon onto the page by having the Page goto the favicon URL
  • Query the img element on the page
  • Make the Page’s document.body background transparent (to capture any transparency in the icon when we take the screenshot)
  • Take a screenshot of that img element, such that a binary PNG is rendered

Here is the code to render the favicon onto the page:

/** * * @param {Page} page * @param {String} pageUrl * @returns {ElementHandle|null} */ const renderFavicon = async function(page, pageUrl) { let faviconUrl = await findBestFaviconURL(page, pageUrl); try {`R${reqId}: Loading favicon from ${faviconUrl}`); await page.goto(faviconUrl, {"waitUntil" : "networkidle0"}); } catch(err) { console.error(`R${reqId}: failed to get favicon`); } const renderedFaviconElement = await page.$('img') || await page.$('svg'); return renderedFaviconElement; };

Finally, here’s the snippet to render the favicon to a PNG:

if(renderedFaviconElement) { const renderedFaviconElementTagName = await (await renderedFaviconElement.getProperty('tagName')).jsonValue(); if(renderedFaviconElementTagName === 'IMG') { await page.evaluate(() => = 'transparent'); } const faviconPngBinary = await renderedFaviconElement.screenshot( { "type":"png", "encoding": "binary", "omitBackground": true } ); }

EDIT 4/7/2020: Updated code snippets to correctly handle SVG favicons. With SVGs, an <svg> element will be rendered on the page (instead of an <img> element). Also, there is no <body> element, as the SVG is rendered directly and not embedded within an HTML document, and hence no need to set the document’s body background to transparent.

EDIT 1/10/2022: Fix source code snippets to reflect that pageUrl is the variable with the URL of the page, not src.