Archive for October, 2009

Leaky research

If your going to speculate (wildly) regarding technical details about the Apple tablet in relation to the iPhone, at least try to get the fundamental details in question correct. Case-in-point.

memory modules

For an Apple Tablet to be a hit, it will have to be more than a big-screen iPhone. And the difference between a lithe, touch-based Mac and a giant, lame iPhone comes down to one crucial nerd-factor: memory management.

When your program closes, your app is supposed to give back all that memory to the OS, so that it your computer can use it for other apps. If your program doesn’t give back memory to the system, it’s called a “leak.” Leaky programs are bad; they make things crash.

This sounded fishy, and it is – the iPhone OS, like most modern OSs, will reclaim memory when an program terminates. A program with a memory leak will not cause anything to crash, but running out of memory will force the OS to forcefully terminate apps (which is not the same as a crash).

It [Apple Newton] supported garbage collection, or automatic memory management, just like full-grown desktop Macs. What’s the difference to you? More powerful apps.

There is no correlation shown between garbage collection and more powerful applications. Many complex, powerful and high quality applications are written in languages that don’t support garbage collection; for example, Photoshop.

So iPhone apps tend to “leak memory,” or hang on to memory too long. Developers I’ve interviewed–even Apple Design Award winners–have mentioned to me that their iPhone apps are leaking memory almost constantly because they’re too lazy to be really anal about manual memory management.

Read: lazy developers designed apps with crappy architectures that couldn’t handle reliable deallocation of memory.

But this means iPhone apps can only get so complex before they require too much hand-tuning to be worth the time.

“worth the time” is entirely dependent on the developer and the purpose of the app. If a more powerful app is worth it to an individual or company, they’ll make the investment to build an app with a more robust architecture and better memory management.

Garbage collection is certainly a nice feature to have, but it’s not a silver bullet for developers.

MIME types in C#

The .NET Framework has no methods to get the MIME type of a file and, as I was in need of such functionality a while back, I’m glad I found this post on (UPDATE: removed link, is dead) which presents a switch statement that maps numerous filename extensions to the appropiate MIME type.

I was somewhat dismayed that someone mentioned using the system registry to lookup the MIME types, and the OP seemed to have gone with this method. Using the registry cuts down your codebase, but that’s little more than a convenience; there are some important issues that pop up when using the registry in this situation:

  • It only works if the file extension is known to Windows; either the version of Windows the app is running on knows of the file extension or an application puts the file extension into the registry.
  • It binds (read: couples) your app to a third-party component, in a situation where there is no need to.
  • It locks you into a specific platform (i.e. it won’t work with Mono). Even if it’s not a major issue, there’s no reason to lock your app to a certain platform when you don’t have to.

UPDATE: As is dead, the code I derived from the original post is below. The FromFileName() function will take a filepath, get the extension from the filename, and return the MIME type of the file.

static public string FromFileName(string filepath)
switch (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filepath).ToLower())
case ".3dm": retval = "x-world/x-3dmf"; break;
case ".3dmf": retval = "x-world/x-3dmf"; break;
case ".a": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".aab": retval = "application/x-authorware-bin"; break;
case ".aam": retval = "application/x-authorware-map"; break;
case ".aas": retval = "application/x-authorware-seg"; break;
case ".abc": retval = "text/"; break;
case ".acgi": retval = "text/html"; break;
case ".afl": retval = "video/animaflex"; break;
case ".ai": retval = "application/postscript"; break;
case ".aif": retval = "audio/aiff"; break;
case ".aifc": retval = "audio/aiff"; break;
case ".aiff": retval = "audio/aiff"; break;
case ".aim": retval = "application/x-aim"; break;
case ".aip": retval = "text/x-audiosoft-intra"; break;
case ".ani": retval = "application/x-navi-animation"; break;
case ".aos": retval = "application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software"; break;
case ".aps": retval = "application/mime"; break;
case ".arc": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".arj": retval = "application/arj"; break;
case ".art": retval = "image/x-jg"; break;
case ".asf": retval = "video/x-ms-asf"; break;
case ".asm": retval = "text/x-asm"; break;
case ".asp": retval = "text/asp"; break;
case ".asx": retval = "video/x-ms-asf"; break;
case ".au": retval = "audio/basic"; break;
case ".avi": retval = "video/avi"; break;
case ".avs": retval = "video/avs-video"; break;
case ".bcpio": retval = "application/x-bcpio"; break;
case ".bin": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".bm": retval = "image/bmp"; break;
case ".bmp": retval = "image/bmp"; break;
case ".boo": retval = "application/book"; break;
case ".book": retval = "application/book"; break;
case ".boz": retval = "application/x-bzip2"; break;
case ".bsh": retval = "application/x-bsh"; break;
case ".bz": retval = "application/x-bzip"; break;
case ".bz2": retval = "application/x-bzip2"; break;
case ".c": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".c++": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".cat": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".cc": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".ccad": retval = "application/clariscad"; break;
case ".cco": retval = "application/x-cocoa"; break;
case ".cdf": retval = "application/cdf"; break;
case ".cer": retval = "application/pkix-cert"; break;
case ".cha": retval = "application/x-chat"; break;
case ".chat": retval = "application/x-chat"; break;
case ".class": retval = "application/java"; break;
case ".com": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".conf": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".cpio": retval = "application/x-cpio"; break;
case ".cpp": retval = "text/x-c"; break;
case ".cpt": retval = "application/x-cpt"; break;
case ".crl": retval = "application/pkcs-crl"; break;
case ".crt": retval = "application/pkix-cert"; break;
case ".cs": retval = "text/x-csharp"; break;
case ".csh": retval = "application/x-csh"; break;
case ".css": retval = "text/css"; break;
case ".cxx": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".dcr": retval = "application/x-director"; break;
case ".deepv": retval = "application/x-deepv"; break;
case ".def": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".der": retval = "application/x-x509-ca-cert"; break;
case ".dif": retval = "video/x-dv"; break;
case ".dir": retval = "application/x-director"; break;
case ".dl": retval = "video/dl"; break;
case ".doc": retval = "application/msword"; break;
case ".docx": retval = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"; break;
case ".dot": retval = "application/msword"; break;
case ".dp": retval = "application/commonground"; break;
case ".drw": retval = "application/drafting"; break;
case ".dump": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".dv": retval = "video/x-dv"; break;
case ".dvi": retval = "application/x-dvi"; break;
case ".dwf": retval = "model/vnd.dwf"; break;
case ".dwg": retval = "image/vnd.dwg"; break;
case ".dxf": retval = "image/vnd.dwg"; break;
case ".dxr": retval = "application/x-director"; break;
case ".el": retval = "text/x-script.elisp"; break;
case ".elc": retval = "application/x-elc"; break;
case ".env": retval = "application/x-envoy"; break;
case ".eps": retval = "application/postscript"; break;
case ".es": retval = "application/x-esrehber"; break;
case ".etx": retval = "text/x-setext"; break;
case ".evy": retval = "application/envoy"; break;
case ".exe": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".f": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".f77": retval = "text/x-fortran"; break;
case ".f90": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".fdf": retval = "application/vnd.fdf"; break;
case ".fif": retval = "image/fif"; break;
case ".fli": retval = "video/fli"; break;
case ".flo": retval = "image/florian"; break;
case ".flx": retval = "text/vnd.fmi.flexstor"; break;
case ".fmf": retval = "video/x-atomic3d-feature"; break;
case ".for": retval = "text/x-fortran"; break;
case ".fpx": retval = "image/vnd.fpx"; break;
case ".frl": retval = "application/freeloader"; break;
case ".funk": retval = "audio/make"; break;
case ".g": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".g3": retval = "image/g3fax"; break;
case ".gif": retval = "image/gif"; break;
case ".gl": retval = "video/gl"; break;
case ".gsd": retval = "audio/x-gsm"; break;
case ".gsm": retval = "audio/x-gsm"; break;
case ".gsp": retval = "application/x-gsp"; break;
case ".gss": retval = "application/x-gss"; break;
case ".gtar": retval = "application/x-gtar"; break;
case ".gz": retval = "application/x-gzip"; break;
case ".gzip": retval = "application/x-gzip"; break;
case ".h": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".hdf": retval = "application/x-hdf"; break;
case ".help": retval = "application/x-helpfile"; break;
case ".hgl": retval = "application/vnd.hp-hpgl"; break;
case ".hh": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".hlb": retval = "text/x-script"; break;
case ".hlp": retval = "application/hlp"; break;
case ".hpg": retval = "application/vnd.hp-hpgl"; break;
case ".hpgl": retval = "application/vnd.hp-hpgl"; break;
case ".hqx": retval = "application/binhex"; break;
case ".hta": retval = "application/hta"; break;
case ".htc": retval = "text/x-component"; break;
case ".htm": retval = "text/html"; break;
case ".html": retval = "text/html"; break;
case ".htmls": retval = "text/html"; break;
case ".htt": retval = "text/webviewhtml"; break;
case ".htx": retval = "text/html"; break;
case ".ice": retval = "x-conference/x-cooltalk"; break;
case ".ico": retval = "image/x-icon"; break;
case ".idc": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".ief": retval = "image/ief"; break;
case ".iefs": retval = "image/ief"; break;
case ".iges": retval = "application/iges"; break;
case ".igs": retval = "application/iges"; break;
case ".ima": retval = "application/x-ima"; break;
case ".imap": retval = "application/x-httpd-imap"; break;
case ".inf": retval = "application/inf"; break;
case ".ins": retval = "application/x-internett-signup"; break;
case ".ip": retval = "application/x-ip2"; break;
case ".isu": retval = "video/x-isvideo"; break;
case ".it": retval = "audio/it"; break;
case ".iv": retval = "application/x-inventor"; break;
case ".ivr": retval = "i-world/i-vrml"; break;
case ".ivy": retval = "application/x-livescreen"; break;
case ".jam": retval = "audio/x-jam"; break;
case ".jav": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".java": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".jcm": retval = "application/x-java-commerce"; break;
case ".jfif": retval = "image/jpeg"; break;
case ".jfif-tbnl": retval = "image/jpeg"; break;
case ".jpe": retval = "image/jpeg"; break;
case ".jpeg": retval = "image/jpeg"; break;
case ".jpg": retval = "image/jpeg"; break;
case ".jps": retval = "image/x-jps"; break;
case ".js": retval = "application/x-javascript"; break;
case ".jut": retval = "image/jutvision"; break;
case ".kar": retval = "audio/midi"; break;
case ".ksh": retval = "application/x-ksh"; break;
case ".la": retval = "audio/nspaudio"; break;
case ".lam": retval = "audio/x-liveaudio"; break;
case ".latex": retval = "application/x-latex"; break;
case ".lha": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".lhx": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".list": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".lma": retval = "audio/nspaudio"; break;
case ".log": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".lsp": retval = "application/x-lisp"; break;
case ".lst": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".lsx": retval = "text/x-la-asf"; break;
case ".ltx": retval = "application/x-latex"; break;
case ".lzh": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".lzx": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".m": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".m1v": retval = "video/mpeg"; break;
case ".m2a": retval = "audio/mpeg"; break;
case ".m2v": retval = "video/mpeg"; break;
case ".m3u": retval = "audio/x-mpequrl"; break;
case ".man": retval = "application/x-troff-man"; break;
case ".map": retval = "application/x-navimap"; break;
case ".mar": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".mbd": retval = "application/mbedlet"; break;
case ".mc$": retval = "application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0"; break;
case ".mcd": retval = "application/mcad"; break;
case ".mcf": retval = "text/mcf"; break;
case ".mcp": retval = "application/netmc"; break;
case ".me": retval = "application/x-troff-me"; break;
case ".mht": retval = "message/rfc822"; break;
case ".mhtml": retval = "message/rfc822"; break;
case ".mid": retval = "audio/midi"; break;
case ".midi": retval = "audio/midi"; break;
case ".mif": retval = "application/x-mif"; break;
case ".mime": retval = "message/rfc822"; break;
case ".mjf": retval = "audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile"; break;
case ".mjpg": retval = "video/x-motion-jpeg"; break;
case ".mm": retval = "application/base64"; break;
case ".mme": retval = "application/base64"; break;
case ".mod": retval = "audio/mod"; break;
case ".moov": retval = "video/quicktime"; break;
case ".mov": retval = "video/quicktime"; break;
case ".movie": retval = "video/x-sgi-movie"; break;
case ".mp2": retval = "audio/mpeg"; break;
case ".mp3": retval = "audio/mpeg"; break;
case ".mpa": retval = "audio/mpeg"; break;
case ".mpc": retval = "application/x-project"; break;
case ".mpe": retval = "video/mpeg"; break;
case ".mpeg": retval = "video/mpeg"; break;
case ".mpg": retval = "video/mpeg"; break;
case ".mpga": retval = "audio/mpeg"; break;
case ".mpp": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".mpt": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".mpv": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".mpx": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".mrc": retval = "application/marc"; break;
case ".ms": retval = "application/x-troff-ms"; break;
case ".mv": retval = "video/x-sgi-movie"; break;
case ".my": retval = "audio/make"; break;
case ".mzz": retval = "application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz"; break;
case ".nap": retval = "image/naplps"; break;
case ".naplps": retval = "image/naplps"; break;
case ".nc": retval = "application/x-netcdf"; break;
case ".ncm": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".nif": retval = "image/x-niff"; break;
case ".niff": retval = "image/x-niff"; break;
case ".nix": retval = "application/x-mix-transfer"; break;
case ".nsc": retval = "application/x-conference"; break;
case ".nvd": retval = "application/x-navidoc"; break;
case ".o": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".oda": retval = "application/oda"; break;
case ".ogg": retval = "audio/ogg"; break;
case ".omc": retval = "application/x-omc"; break;
case ".omcd": retval = "application/x-omcdatamaker"; break;
case ".omcr": retval = "application/x-omcregerator"; break;
case ".p": retval = "text/x-pascal"; break;
case ".p10": retval = "application/pkcs10"; break;
case ".p12": retval = "application/pkcs-12"; break;
case ".p7a": retval = "application/x-pkcs7-signature"; break;
case ".p7c": retval = "application/pkcs7-mime"; break;
case ".p7m": retval = "application/pkcs7-mime"; break;
case ".p7r": retval = "application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp"; break;
case ".p7s": retval = "application/pkcs7-signature"; break;
case ".part": retval = "application/pro_eng"; break;
case ".pas": retval = "text/pascal"; break;
case ".pbm": retval = "image/x-portable-bitmap"; break;
case ".pcl": retval = "application/vnd.hp-pcl"; break;
case ".pct": retval = "image/x-pict"; break;
case ".pcx": retval = "image/x-pcx"; break;
case ".pdb": retval = "chemical/x-pdb"; break;
case ".pdf": retval = "application/pdf"; break;
case ".pfunk": retval = "audio/make"; break;
case ".pgm": retval = "image/x-portable-greymap"; break;
case ".php": retval = "text/php"; break;
case ".pic": retval = "image/pict"; break;
case ".pict": retval = "image/pict"; break;
case ".pkg": retval = "application/x-newton-compatible-pkg"; break;
case ".pko": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".pl": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".plx": retval = "application/x-pixclscript"; break;
case ".pm": retval = "image/x-xpixmap"; break;
case ".pm4": retval = "application/x-pagemaker"; break;
case ".pm5": retval = "application/x-pagemaker"; break;
case ".png": retval = "image/png"; break;
case ".pnm": retval = "application/x-portable-anymap"; break;
case ".pot": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".pov": retval = "model/x-pov"; break;
case ".ppa": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".ppm": retval = "image/x-portable-pixmap"; break;
case ".pps": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".ppt": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".pptx": retval = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"; break;
case ".ppz": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".pre": retval = "application/x-freelance"; break;
case ".prt": retval = "application/pro_eng"; break;
case ".ps": retval = "application/postscript"; break;
case ".psd": retval = "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop"; break;
case ".pvu": retval = "paleovu/x-pv"; break;
case ".pwz": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".py": retval = "text/x-script.phyton"; break;
case ".pyc": retval = "applicaiton/x-bytecode.python"; break;
case ".qcp": retval = "audio/vnd.qcelp"; break;
case ".qd3": retval = "x-world/x-3dmf"; break;
case ".qd3d": retval = "x-world/x-3dmf"; break;
case ".qif": retval = "image/x-quicktime"; break;
case ".qt": retval = "video/quicktime"; break;
case ".qtc": retval = "video/x-qtc"; break;
case ".qti": retval = "image/x-quicktime"; break;
case ".qtif": retval = "image/x-quicktime"; break;
case ".ra": retval = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; break;
case ".ram": retval = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; break;
case ".ras": retval = "application/x-cmu-raster"; break;
case ".rast": retval = "image/cmu-raster"; break;
case ".rexx": retval = "text/x-script.rexx"; break;
case ".rf": retval = "image/vnd.rn-realflash"; break;
case ".rgb": retval = "image/x-rgb"; break;
case ".rm": retval = "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"; break;
case ".rmi": retval = "audio/mid"; break;
case ".rmm": retval = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; break;
case ".rmp": retval = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; break;
case ".rng": retval = "application/ringing-tones"; break;
case ".rnx": retval = "application/vnd.rn-realplayer"; break;
case ".roff": retval = "application/x-troff"; break;
case ".rp": retval = "image/vnd.rn-realpix"; break;
case ".rpm": retval = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"; break;
case ".rt": retval = "text/richtext"; break;
case ".rtf": retval = "text/richtext"; break;
case ".rtx": retval = "text/richtext"; break;
case ".rv": retval = "video/vnd.rn-realvideo"; break;
case ".s": retval = "text/x-asm"; break;
case ".s3m": retval = "audio/s3m"; break;
case ".saveme": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".sbk": retval = "application/x-tbook"; break;
case ".scm": retval = "application/x-lotusscreencam"; break;
case ".sdml": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".sdp": retval = "application/sdp"; break;
case ".sdr": retval = "application/sounder"; break;
case ".sea": retval = "application/sea"; break;
case ".set": retval = "application/set"; break;
case ".sgm": retval = "text/sgml"; break;
case ".sgml": retval = "text/sgml"; break;
case ".sh": retval = "application/x-sh"; break;
case ".shar": retval = "application/x-shar"; break;
case ".shtml": retval = "text/html"; break;
case ".sid": retval = "audio/x-psid"; break;
case ".sit": retval = "application/x-sit"; break;
case ".skd": retval = "application/x-koan"; break;
case ".skm": retval = "application/x-koan"; break;
case ".skp": retval = "application/x-koan"; break;
case ".skt": retval = "application/x-koan"; break;
case ".sl": retval = "application/x-seelogo"; break;
case ".smi": retval = "application/smil"; break;
case ".smil": retval = "application/smil"; break;
case ".snd": retval = "audio/basic"; break;
case ".sol": retval = "application/solids"; break;
case ".spc": retval = "text/x-speech"; break;
case ".spl": retval = "application/futuresplash"; break;
case ".spr": retval = "application/x-sprite"; break;
case ".sprite": retval = "application/x-sprite"; break;
case ".src": retval = "application/x-wais-source"; break;
case ".ssi": retval = "text/x-server-parsed-html"; break;
case ".ssm": retval = "application/streamingmedia"; break;
case ".sst": retval = "application/"; break;
case ".step": retval = "application/step"; break;
case ".stl": retval = "application/sla"; break;
case ".stp": retval = "application/step"; break;
case ".sv4cpio": retval = "application/x-sv4cpio"; break;
case ".sv4crc": retval = "application/x-sv4crc"; break;
case ".svf": retval = "image/vnd.dwg"; break;
case ".svr": retval = "application/x-world"; break;
case ".swf": retval = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; break;
case ".t": retval = "application/x-troff"; break;
case ".talk": retval = "text/x-speech"; break;
case ".tar": retval = "application/x-tar"; break;
case ".tbk": retval = "application/toolbook"; break;
case ".tcl": retval = "application/x-tcl"; break;
case ".tcsh": retval = "text/x-script.tcsh"; break;
case ".tex": retval = "application/x-tex"; break;
case ".texi": retval = "application/x-texinfo"; break;
case ".texinfo": retval = "application/x-texinfo"; break;
case ".text": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".tgz": retval = "application/x-compressed"; break;
case ".tif": retval = "image/tiff"; break;
case ".tiff": retval = "image/tiff"; break;
case ".tr": retval = "application/x-troff"; break;
case ".tsi": retval = "audio/tsp-audio"; break;
case ".tsp": retval = "application/dsptype"; break;
case ".tsv": retval = "text/tab-separated-values"; break;
case ".turbot": retval = "image/florian"; break;
case ".txt": retval = "text/plain"; break;
case ".uil": retval = "text/x-uil"; break;
case ".uni": retval = "text/uri-list"; break;
case ".unis": retval = "text/uri-list"; break;
case ".unv": retval = "application/i-deas"; break;
case ".uri": retval = "text/uri-list"; break;
case ".uris": retval = "text/uri-list"; break;
case ".url": retval = "text/url"; break;
case ".ustar": retval = "application/x-ustar"; break;
case ".uu": retval = "application/octet-stream"; break;
case ".uue": retval = "text/x-uuencode"; break;
case ".vcd": retval = "application/x-cdlink"; break;
case ".vcs": retval = "text/x-vcalendar"; break;
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return retval;

First photos of the atom

Last month physicists at the Kharkov Institute for Physics and Technology photographed the electron cloud of a single carbon atom. The images are the first real photographs of the electrons of a single atom, showing the s and p orbitals of a carbon atom.

carbon atom

Quantum mechanics states that an electron doesn’t exist as a single point, but spreads around the nucleus in a cloud known as an orbital. The soft blue spheres and split clouds seen in the images show two arrangements of the electrons in their orbitals in a carbon atom. The structures verify illustrations seen in thousands of chemistry books because they match established quantum mechanical predictions.

… and as for how it was done…

To create these images, the researchers used a field-emission electron microscope, or FEEM. They placed a rigid chain of carbon atoms, just tens of atoms long, in a vacuum chamber and streamed 425 volts through the sample. The atom at the tip of the chain emitted electrons onto a surrounding phosphor screen, rendering an image of the electron cloud around the nucleus

The sharper a sample’s pointed tip inside the vacuum chamber, the greater the resolution of the final image on the screen said Igor Mikhailovskij, one of the paper’s authors. In the last year, physicists learned to manipulate carbon atoms into chains. With the tip of the sample now just a single atom wide, the microscope was able to resolve the electron’s orbitals.