Posts Tagged ‘package-management’

Deployments with git tags + npm publish

Git tags and npm

Deployment workflows can vary a lot, but what I’ve tended to find ideal is to tag releases on GitHub (or whatever platform, as most have some mechanism to handle releases), the tag itself being the version number of whatever is being deployed, and having a deployment pipeline orchestrate and perform whatever steps are necessary to deploy the application, service, library, etc. This flow is well supported with git, well supported on platforms like GitHub, and is dead simple for developers to pick up and work with (in GitHub, this means filling out a form and hitting “Publish release”).

npm doesn’t play nicely with this workflow. With npm version numbers aren’t tied to git tags, or any external mechanism, but instead to the value defined in the project’s package.json file. So, trying to publish a package via tagging requires some additional steps. The typical solutions seem to be:

  • Update the version in package.json first, then create the tag
  • Use some workflow that include npm version patch to have npm handle the update to package.json and creating the git tag
  • Use an additional tool (e.g. standard-version), that tries to abstract away management of version numbers from both package.json and git tag

None of these options are great; versioning responsibility and authority is pulled away from git and, in the process, additional workflow complexity and, in the latter case, additional dependencies are introduced.

Version 0.0.0

In order to publish with npm, keep versioning authority with git, and maintain a simple workflow that doesn’t include additional steps or dependencies, the following has been working well in my projects:

  • In package.json, set the version number to “0.0.0”; this value is never changed within any git branch and, conceptually, it can be viewed as representing the “dev version” of the library. package.json only has a “non-dev version” for code published to our package repository.
  • In the deployment pipeline (triggered by tagging a release), update package.json with the version from the git tag.

    Most CI systems have some way of getting the tag being processed and working with it. For example, in CircleCI, working with tags formatted like vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, we can reference the tag, remove the “v” prefix, and set the version in package.json using npm version as follows:

    npm --no-git-tag-version version ${CIRCLE_TAG:1}

    Note that this update to package.json is only done within the checked-out copy of the code used in the pipeline. The change is never committed to the repo nor pushed upstream.
  • Finally, within the deployment pipeline, publish as usual via npm publish


I haven’t run across any major limitations with this workflow. There is some loss of information captured in the git repository, as the version in package.json is fixed at 0.0.0, but I’ve yet to come across that being an issue. I could potentially see issues if you want to allow developers to do deployments locally via npm publish but, in general, I view local deployments as an anti-pattern when done for anything beyond toy projects.