Posts Tagged ‘WWDC’

What kind of company charges people $1500 to sit them in a room and tell them lies?

From Apple’s Carbon dev mailing list:

  • On Jun 13, 2007, at 7:53 PM, Matthew Formica wrote:
    We can’t speak to future plans to make WWDC sessions available to non-Select/Premier members. In general, getting a Select/Premier membership, and in particular attending WWDC, is the best way to stay current with programming directions on the platform.

Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds? You don’t stay “current” going to WWDC. You get to watch Steve perform. You hobnob with Apple people and hear the latest promises. Then you go home and hope what was promised actually comes to pass, but the other 51 weeks of the year WWDC does nothing to keep you current.

Last year developers at WWDC there told would be 64-bit support for Carbon. What kind of company charges people $1500 to sit them in a room and tell them lies?
