No SMIL+SVG in Internet Explorer
Avishkar Autar · Nov 30 2012 · Web Technologies
After noticing the SMIL animation in my previous post on SVG animations not working in Internet Explorer 10, I did a bit of digging to see what level of support was offered by IE10 and IE9 (previous versions do not support SVG). Simply put, Internet Explorer does not support SMIL animation of SVG. An entry from IEBlog regarding the an IE9 platform preview explains why:
… support for SMIL animation of SVG in the web development community is far from strong. The leader of the SVG standardization effort wrote that not supporting SMIL in its current state is probably best “since the SVG WG intends to coordinate with the CSS WG to make some changes to animation and to extend filters.” There’s already work started to reconcile CSS3 animations and SVG.
I’m not shedding any tears. That said, I’m not that enthusiastic about CSS3 animations for SVG either, as CSS3 animations bring with them the same loss of flexibility as SMIL. The current, flexible, cross-browser solution for SVG animation is Javascript, and I can’t see why that’s not a worthwhile solution for the foreseeable future as well.
SMIL is still a better concept because it doesn’t require JavaScript, thereby reaching a larger audience.